Taxonomic list T3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

divisio cavitatis divisionis systematis organorum

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Top level res incorporea Short Extended
Level 2 spatium anatomicum Short Extended
Current level divisio cavitatis divisionis systematis organorum
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
54377 10578
divisio cavitatis divisionis systematis organorum
subdivision of cavity of subdivision of system of organs
9682 352 part
fossa cranii anterior
anterior cranial fossa
54369 353 part
fossa cranii media
middle cranial fossa
54710 11049
divisio fossae cranii mediae
subdivision of middle cranial fossa
54721 498 part
fossa hypophysialis ossis sphenoidalis
hypophysial fossa of sphenoid
54368 354 part
fossa cranii posterior
posterior cranial fossa
54390 386 part
fossa sacci lacrimalis
fossa of lacrimal pouch
7 items
9 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 10578
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 8
Number of children 8 (validated)
Proper units 7
Number of units 7 (validated)
Signature 166 (validated since 7.1.2025)
Date: 08.01.2025